
Hi! I am currently working as a senior designer at Lippincott in NYC.

I thrive to help people find their voice and differentiate themselves in a busy and vibrant world. Shaping culturally relevant experiences is at the center of my approach. I am a firm believer in simplicity over complexity. Setting companies for better impact and greater marketability is a task I have successfully performed for various clients from all backgrounds and industries





The first and essential part of my approach is to dive deep into your world, evaluate your needs, and establish goals. I get to know you, ask questions, do thorough research and start crafting a strong narrative. I then define the creative opportunities and map out next steps moving swiftly between strategy and creation. 


The second phase is all about the look and feel of your brand. I support strong foundations by creating the brand identity and the brand world. I then define all identity elements including general tone-of-voice, brand marks, color palette, typographic, and photographic style. Once aligned I tackle the production of all touch points.  


Once we give life to a new brand it is important for me to see projects flourish and mature. Which is why I will continuously assist you in your journey. I care about people and it motivates me to create.